2015-2016. Dialogue in the atelier involving volunteers in the art-based hobby education of children and the youth with special needs. The project is funded at the support of the Foundation of Free Associations of EMP grants via the Open Estonia Foundation.
The objective of the project is to improve the capability of MTÜ Loometaru (NGO Creative Hive) at the art-based development of people with special needs by involving young volunteers.
There are two target groups: the youth interested in art that desire to develop their social skills by working from time to time with children and the youth with special needs; children and the youth with special needs, whose quality of life is being improved.
The project has three courses of action: 1. Organising training for volunteers in order to improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. 2. Creating a support network. 3. Enhancing the publicity of MTÜ Loometaru (preparing leaflets and flyers and updating the homepage).
As a result of the project, we have provided preparation for 18 volunteers, created a support network that will enhance the sustainability of MTÜ Loometaru.
The partners were MTÜ Kultuur ja Perekond (NGO Culture and Family) and the Kumen Foundation (from Spain). They shared their experience at preparing young volunteers and helped organise training.
2014-2016. Erasmus + Key 2 Arts and Special Education. Spain, Latvia and Estonia
2013. Active and creative way of life of mentally retarded children and young people, and seniors for improvement and promotion of the quality of their life in the Kurzeme region. Program EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. NGO Project Measure (2009-2014). Latvia and Estonia